Garden Club

Convener: Tracey de Geer
1st Tuesday of each month
10 am to 12 pm
Baptist Church Hall, Tea Gardens

Confucius says “Those who would be happy for a day get drunk, those who would be happy for a year marry and those who would be happy for a lifetime create a garden”.

The U3A Garden and Nature Club caters for a broad range of members who have a broad range of gardens or interest in gardening and nature pursuits. To cater for the individual member and the club as a whole a clear structure and program of events has been created for the year to ensure a balance of fun, flexibility and learning.

We welcome new members and those who may have been members in the past to rejoin. The principles of U3A, of which the Garden and Nature Club is a member, is:  To encourage people no longer in full time employment to engage in educational and cultural activities; and  To find and help people use their skills to teach and learn. We acknowledge we are fortunate to have a community of people with a vast wealth of knowledge, life experiences and skills with the capacity to share and create mutually respectful relationships.

There is clear scientific evidence that gardening can improve your balance, strength and flexibility whilst boosting endorphin levels, your brain’s feel-good neurotransmitters, whilst lowering symptoms of common mental health problems.

The Garden and Nature Club meets in the Baptist Church Hall, Myall Street, Tea Gardens, from 10.00am – 12.00noon the first Tuesday of each month commencing Tuesday 4th February 2025. Bring along your own cup and 50 cents to participate in morning tea and welcoming chat.

This will be followed by our first guest speaker for the year, Joel Dunn from Landcare and a Bush Regeneration Contractor. Joel has an interest in garden escape weeds, weed biodiversity, vegetable and herb growing and seed saving. There will be a share/swap table for those who would like to bring cuttings, plants or produce from their garden and let us all come together in the glory of gardening with our hands in the dirt, our heads in the sun and our hearts in nature!

In addition to our monthly meetings we organise visits to other gardens in the North Coast region. Our Monthly Garden Club Newsletter includes sources of information, submitted articles and photographs.
At the conclusion of each monthly meeting we have a ’plant share and swap’ and a draw for ‘plant of the month’, kindly donated by our local garden shop ‘Woodys’.