About Us

U3A Globally

The University of the 3rd Age (U3A) is a world-wide organization which had its beginnings in France, when Toulouse University conducted a study into gerontology, and the confirmation that older people had knowledge which could be shared, and in doing so their lives could be enriched. Arising out of that study, the first British U3A was formed under the auspices of Cambridge University in 1982, with the first Australian U3A was established in 1984. Australian U3A’s were formed to use and improve the skills and experience of over-55s, with teachers also being learners.

Myall U3A

Myall U3A was constituted in 1993 as one of the older U3A chapters in N.S.W. The purpose and ethos of the MU3A is to offer interesting courses which encourage mental stimulation and help us into a healthier older age, with members sharing their knowledge. We are a not-for-profit organization, and not a service club. Members volunteer their time to prepare and conduct courses, give presentations, co-ordinate groups, and of course the committee is also comprised of volunteers. There are no exams. The committee is always looking for fresh ideas for our Friday presentations, or people who are willing to teach or co-ordinate other courses, or to serve in other ways. You’d be surprised to know how many interesting people have retired here and are willing to share their life, career and travel experiences with us. Our current Newsletter, available online and from a range of shopfronts and information centres lists the variety of activities offered by MU3A. These include activities listed on the other side of this page. We encourage members to develop the essential computer IT skills training offered by the local Tea Gardens Library. Every Friday morning, from 10.00 am to 12.30 pm during school terms, there are excellent presentations on a wide variety of subjects of interest designed to be informative, entertaining and generally “good fun”, including discussions about a broad range of local and international issues that are of concern to our community. Most of our activities take place in the Hawks Nest Old Library and the adjacent Community Hall. Over a number of years MU3A has arranged the popular annual Christmas Choir Concert and musical concerts by the “Charisma Trio Ensemble” as well as current graduates of the Sydney Conservatorium of Music. Art Group and Photography Club members hold an Annual Art and Photography Exhibition. We like to cooperate with other community groups and participate in other local events such as the Tea Gardens Myall River Festival at the end of October. Our members support local theatrical performances and other cultural events. The annual fee of $40 gives our members the opportunity to participate in as many activities as they wish. Consider joining by attending the Registration Day at the Hawks Nest Community Hall Friday 17th January, between 10.00 and 12.00 noon.;