Our Myall U3A Inc. is built around volunteers and interactions between people. All of us have roles here as students/participants, course conveners, administrative coordinators, helpers, outside people, particularly the staff of the venues where classes are held. It’s the communication and cooperation between all these parties that makes Myall U3A Inc. operate effectively.
In line with policy directions from the NSW U3A Network, your elected Management Committee has developed the following Code of Conduct to make sure that all of us, in whatever role we are acting, are aware of our responsibilities to each other and to this organization.
Also provided are guidelines for making and dealing with complaints or grievances, should they arise.
As a self-funded, volunteer-based organization, Myall U3A Inc. expects that all members, course conveners and volunteers will behave in a courteous and civilized manner in all dealings relevant to Myall U3A Inc.
As a member of Myall U3A Inc., you therefore agree to abide by this Code of Conduct by:
1. Participating in Myall U3A Inc. activities in a friendly and positive way at all times.
2. Being honest and ethical in all dealings with Myall U3A Inc., its members and other related organizations.
3. Showing respect, courtesy and consideration to everyone you deal with in Myall U3A Inc., related organizations and the general public in relation to Myall U3A Inc. activities.
4. As emails, messaging and social media have become increasingly common modes of communication, Myall U3A Inc. requires the same standard of courtesy and respect that apply to other forms of communication.
5. Being punctual and reliable in attending Myall U3A Inc. classes/events/rosters or other volunteer commitments; and forewarning of unavoidable absences, withdrawals from classes, events, rosters or other volunteer commitments.
6. Observing strict confidentiality regarding organizational and members’ personal information to which you may have access; never disclosing contact details of any Myall U3A Inc. member to anyone without their permission.
7. Avoiding all forms of discriminatory behaviour in regard to nationality, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, culture, religion, age and mental or physical disability.
8. Not engaging in behaviour that is inappropriate, disruptive or bullying/intimidating.
9. Providing a comfortable environment for members and the organization by:
a. Participating responsibly in each class or activity and abiding by any reasonable directive or prerequisite specified by the course convener or the organizer of that event.
b. Refraining from activities or comments that promote a personal business or cause that would place others in a vulnerable situation either financially, physically or psychologically.
c. Not causing any wilful damage to Myall U3A Inc. premises, materials, facilities, equipment or those of other venues hired by Myall U3A Inc for the purpose of conducting Myall U3A Inc. activities.
10. Promoting Myall U3A Inc. in a positive way, refraining from harming the organization’s reputation or relationships by inappropriate comment or action.
11. Abiding by this and all other Myall U3A Inc. policies and procedures.
12. Following the Myall U3A Inc. Grievance Policy & Procedure (see next) if dissatisfied and abiding by decisions thus made.
Myall U3A Inc. Code of Conduct Approved November 18, 2019