This Friday 19th November Ronnie Nichols continues her gripping series as described below :
‘Ronnie Nichols will present Australians – Unsettled, the third of her talks on Indigenous Australians.
The story so far:
“Out of Africa” described the movement of peoples across Asia and into Northern Europe, and incorporated the Beachcomber Theory bringing people to more southern lands.
Ronnie’s second talk entitled “Arrival” provided evidence for human entry to Australia as long ago as 70,000 years.
The presentation on Friday briefly revisits and analyses the evidence presented so far and then progresses to the settling of Aboriginal people in the land, first described by the Greeks as “Terra Australis Nondum Cognita” and by the most recent colonisers as “Terra Nullius”.
The major part of the presentation will be 1788 onwards with references to past grievances as well as looking positively to the future through the eyes of the many people working towards recognition of the descendants of the First people. There will be music, dancing and stories – lots of them, including work being done now by committed, dedicated people from all walks of life.’
It sounds enthralling, so please click the link below to register for the presentation, to begin at 10 am in the usual venue of the Uniting Church hall. As previously, please bring your own makings for morning tea, with hot water provided.
Best regards,
Ray Keipert
Please note : under Covid-19 rules, the Uniting Church hall can accommodate a maximum of only 20 people. To be guaranteed a seat, it is essential to register by the link below so that your name is printed on the attendance list, to be completed and signed when you arrive. Thank you for your understanding.
If, after registering, you find you cannot attend, click the link above and you will be given the opportunity to remove yourself from the list and allow another member to attend. Please keep this email until Friday to access the link.