Monday Musicals and Opera

Monday Musicals and Opera

Convener: Les Fielke Email:
Phone: 0467826878
Every 2nd and 4th Monday of each month
Location: Palm Lake, Tea Gardens

I’m pleased to be able to continue into its sixth year the popular musical series “Opera in the Afternoon”, albeit with a change of name to more accurately describe our offerings.

Together with interested palm lake residents we discuss and enjoy screenings of all types of musical films.

Ranging from classical works by Verdi and Mozart, Comic opera by Donizetti, Broadway shows and more modern musicals.

We meet twice a month on the second and fourth Monday. Our venue is the “Promenade” theatre at Palm Lake, commencing at 1:30 PM.

Our performances are sourced from DVDs, Apple TV or other streaming services. Through Apple TV we can also purchase or rent a large range of performances from the New York Metropolitan Opera (the Met).

The sessions are open to Palm Lake residents, registered U3A members and guests. A few days before screenings I will send a reminder email to subscribers containing some background information on the upcoming presentation – its history, the composer and the plot.

Our season commences on the 27th of January 2025 when we will present the controversial modern “HipHopera” Hamilton.

For further information, or to update my mailing list, please contact me at

We are grateful to Palm Lake for allowing the use of their cinema facilities which greatly enhance our enjoyment. Our voluntary gold coin contributions support the Palm Lake film group who maintain the cinema facilities and provide some operas and musicals on our behalf.