Myall U3A Inc – Policy for use of HNCC Annex by other Community Groups
The terms of our lease from Midcoast Council preclude us from entering into agreements with other organisations to sublet the premises.
However we are permitted to make the premises available to other Community Organisations for occasional use subject to the following constraints:
1.Single or occasional events at times that Myall U3A is not using the facility. Regular bookings are not permitted.
2.Any organization wishing to book the facility must provide Myall U3A with a copy of their Public Liability insurance for at least $20 million.
3.The organization must provide a written assurance that they will pay for any damage caused to the premises or fittings howsoever sustained during their period of use.
4.The organization will pay $20 for each morning, afternoon or evening session.
5.This fee will cover the cost of use of the building, utility services, the use of furniture and Audiovisual equipment provided by Myall U3A.
All bookings, insurance issues, access to the building and payments will be managed by the Myall U3A premises Co-ordinator.
Roger Digby
President Myall U3A