Convener: Roger Digby
1st Thurdays 2:00pm-4:00pm
Tea Gardens Uniting Church
The Photography Group will follow a different format this year. Our course convener for the last 8 years, Paul Mulvaney, has decided he needs to take a well-earned break.
Thank you, Paul for your able leadership. We cannot replace Paul’s detailed knowledge of the art, science and techniques of photography, but we hope to continue the sharing of knowledge, ideas and experience that has been a feature of the group.
We will continue to meet monthly on Thursdays at 2pm to share our experiences of attempting to take good photographs, and to share our mistakes too. We will do this by inviting members to bring along a collection of photographs on a theme they have chosen.
It might be from your last holiday, or pictures taken locally of our summer visitors at the beach. The choice is yours but just be prepared to display your pictures and talk about them to your sympathetic classmates.
It does not have to be a great oration! It can be about the technical challenges of the situation, or the artistic effect you were trying to achieve. Good photography isn’t easy and your classmates all understand this very well!
Later in the year we hope to offer some field trips where we go out as a group to take pictures locally. If we have enough support we could repeat some of the special shoots that Paul has arranged in the past such as Portraiture and Night Shoots.
So come along and try the new style Photography Group. Bring along your ideas for ensuring that our sessions are enjoyable and interesting.
Our first session is at 2.00pm on Thursday 6th February in the Uniting Church Hall, and we will continue to meet on the first Tuesday of the month in Term Times.